Posts tagged with ‘Apple Watch’

  • tvOS and watchOS Device Summary: April Edition

    April 1, 2016

    After updating the popular iOS Device Summary in March, it seemed the beginning of April would be a good time to introduce summaries for devices running the most recently introduced Apple operating systems: tvOS and watchOS.

  • Apple Home Page Tabs History — June 2015 Edition

    June 19, 2015

    Last fall, I posted A Brief History of Apple Home Page Tabs which showed a visual history of each change in the tabs on the home page since they were introduced in January 2000. That post also called out some of the major changes and common themes in both interface style and products over the years.

  • A Brief Visual History of Apple Home Page Tabs

    September 10, 2014

    This week brought announcements of new iPhones, Apple Pay, and Apple Watch, as well as the quiet departure of the iPod classic, the last remaining click-wheel product in the iPod lineup.  It also brought something that happens much less often than new product announcements—changes to the look and lineup of tabs at the top of the page at