
Over the years I’ve trained hundreds of developers in a wide range of Apple developer technologies.

While at Apple, I was a technical trainer, curriculum developer, and later curriculum manager.

Since then, I have developed and delivered training in a variety of settings, in-person and online, from one-day or half-day workshops to full-week courses, including custom courses for companies and organizations.

App Performance and Instruments Virtuoso

App Performance and Instruments Virtuoso course icon

Last year, I ran a pilot of my new App Performance and Instruments Virtuoso course.

The full-length in-depth online course is for developers who want to learn how to use the powerful Instruments tool included with Xcode to visualize and gain insights into the performance and behavior of their apps.

The initial run of the course was successful and I will be running a second pilot of the course soon.

Sign up to be notified of future course dates and read more course details at Swift Virtuoso.

Custom Training

In addition to the public course, I am available for private, customized training for your company or organization.

Please contact me to begin the conversation about the training needs of your organization.