An Eclectic Breakpoint Jam in Columbus

August 14, 2014

The 2014 Fall Tour kicked off at CocoaConf Columbus with the most eclectic collection of instruments ever assembled for a Breakpoint Jam.

It was a night for newcomers to the Breakpoint Jam.

Every breakpoint in the house was conditional except for veteran Breakpoint Daniel Steinberg (@dimsumthinking) of Dim Sum Thinking. Daniel, fresh from the latest revision of his new book, A Swift Kickstart, delivered a fantastic keynote before working his slide-advance magic.

Eric Knapp (@ejknapp) of Madison College introduced the crowd to the Chapman Stick playing a solo song before giving familiar James Dempsey and the Breakpoints songs a new twist.

A jar of Breakpoint Jam
Have you tried the Breakpoint Jam?

CocoaConf mainstay Will LaFrance (@wjlafrance) made his debut as a Conditional Breakpoint on classical guitar.

Reprising his initial performance in Washington DC last March, Mark Dalrymple (@borkware) of Big Nerd Ranch showcased his talents on trombone on Modelin’ Man and vocals on The Liki Song.

Josh Smith (@kognate), co-author of the recently-released Build iOS Games with SpriteKit, arrived at the conference in the midst of transporting a xylophone across state lines, giving Josh a chance to join in the jam as well.

Thanks to everyone in Columbus, we had a great time and hope you did as well!

The Fall Tour continues in at CocoaConf Las Vegas in September, where James Dempsey and the Breakpoints will make their Vegas debut! •

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Categories: Mac, Music, Software Development, iOS

Tags: Apple, Breakpoint Jam, Chapman Stick, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, CocoaConf, Columbus, James Dempsey, James Dempsey and the Breakpoints, Mac, Ohio, Software Development, iOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, music, xylophone